Boda S錱 i Dalarna AB

About > Company Profile
Total production: 30000 m3/yr
In the summer of 1890 the villagers of Boda could read the following appeal: 揟hose who would like to build a steam sawmill on a suitable place in Bodaviken for the purpose of sawing and selling wood products are invited to stock subscription? The stocks were 50 SEK and in the first round 27 farms signed for 73 stocks. In September the stock subscription had reached over 8.000 SEK and at a meeting a board of 5 people were elected. Land was purchased and the mill was estimated to be at least 70 x 32 ft. Necessary sawmill equipment were bought.

The company were named Boda S錱verks Aktiebolag (Boda Sawmill Inc). The funds were insufficient but through subscription to new stocks among people in the nearby villages a stock capital of 15.050 SEK were reached.

The sawmill were built two storeys high with, the steam engine on the first floor where the frame saw and all the other machines on the second floor were driven. The steam engine developed approx 18 horse powers. The sawmill were ready for use during the summer of 1891. From the beginning 16 men worked at the sawmill and they took care of approx 200 logs per day. By the turn of the century the production had gone up to around 12 000 logs per year. In the beginning all transports were made with horses. For a pine in the size 50-60 cubic feet the price were 4 ?4,50 SEK. The first truck, a Scania Vabis, was bought 1917 and most of the horses were 搑etired? But in the woods the horses were useful until the 1960抯. The truck was the first one in the village and it was also used for pleasure rides by putting benches and decorations on the truck.

In the middle/end of the 1960抯 a continuous and necessary expansion was made by putting in two frames, building a new planning mill, adjusting plant and machines to splinter waste. Later on, a proper drier was built to quicken the circulation of logs. Trucks now handle the logs as well as the finished products.

During the years the following persons has been managing directors: Daniels Anders Jansson, Johan Viklund, Andreas Andersson, Anders Larsson, Karl Larsson, G鰐e Eriksson and Gunnar Bj鰎s.

For more than 100 years the company flourished but during an economy crisis the competition was too much and the company had to go bankruptcy. The sawmill was then sold to B鰎je T鰎nberg and the name was changed to T鰎nTrading AB in the turn of the year 1992/1993. Then the company changed name to Boda S錱 i Dalarna AB. During B鰎je T鰎nberg抯 leadership a number of investments have been made for example a more modern adjustment plant and new chamber dryer from ABB (4 during 1998 and 2 during 2002). Under 2002 a new investment has been done in a new heating system from J鋜nforsen Energi System AB. Today is pine the only type of wood at the sawmill and approx 60 000 m3 raw material is used every year.

Company Name:

Boda S錱 i Dalarna AB

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Country or Areas: Sweden
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Contact Name:

B鰎je T鰎nberg



+46 (0)221-341 00


+46 (0)221-341 00
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