GlobalProTech Ltd.

About > Company Profile
We suggest you to lower expenses to 30% working with the producer of timber without margins and intermediaries.
We are -
The Global Provision Technologies company is engaged in production and sale of wood through Russia, the CIS, and also Asia and Europe since 1996. We have own production in Siberian Federal District in the city of Lesosibirsk. We export raw materials more than to 10 countries of the world.
We are chosen, because:
鈥?We nearly 20 years in the forest industry, mean to us trust and appreciate our product.
鈥?Own production allows to hold the mutually advantageous prices of all range of timber
鈥?We use only the qualitative Angarsk wood
鈥?Only the latest equipment (Weinig, Mnogopil, R-63B Power-saw bench)
鈥?Own drying cameras allow to give necessary humidity
鈥?Own warehouse of 4000 sq.m.
鈥?Own railway deadlock, bridge crane of 30 tons.
We expansion of our capacities, warehouse and therefore, as the beginning of our cooperation we suggest to order a b We expand our capacities, warehouse and therefore, as the beginning of our cooperation we suggest to order a batch.
25 cubes on a special offer with a discount 鈥?10%! The special offer works only till August 31!
We will deliver you timber wholesale railway transport, by trucks or any other type of transport for the 7th day across all Russia without intermediaries and margins.
We realize the following raw materials:
鈥?Cut/not cut board of a larch.
Natural and transport humidity. Grade of 0-4 GOST 26002-83
鈥?Cut/not cut board of a pine.
Natural and transport humidity. Grade of 0-4 GOST 26002-83
鈥?Lining Larch Calm
Grade 0, A, B, C
鈥?Larch whetstone
Grade 0-1
鈥?Board of a larch of a radial kickback
Grade Extra, A, B, C
The fundamental principle of our work is the individual approach to the customer! For this reason, we are also ready to offer you:
鈥?A cut planed board of a pine on specifications of the customer
As cooperation is based
We coordinate with you delivery of each party on mutually advantageous conditions. After the conclusion of the contract, we form your order on the same day and we send transport, convenient for you, across all Russia.
CALL us: +7 (391) 285 27 57 (on All of Russia and the CIS).
Send the demand for calculation of party for

袨褌 锌褉芯懈蟹胁芯写懈褌械谢褟 锌懈谢芯屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢芯胁.

袦褘 锌褉械写谢邪谐邪械屑 袙邪屑 褋薪懈蟹懈褌褜 懈蟹写械褉卸泻懈 写芯 30%, 褉邪斜芯褌邪褟 褋 锌褉芯懈蟹胁芯写懈褌械谢械屑 锌懈谢芯屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢芯胁 薪邪锌褉褟屑褍褞 斜械蟹 薪邪褑械薪芯泻 懈 锌芯褋褉械写薪懈泻芯胁.

袦褘 -
袣芯屑锌邪薪懈褟 芦袚谢芯斜邪谢褜薪褘械 孝械褏薪芯谢芯谐懈懈 小薪邪斜卸械薪懈褟禄 褋 1996 谐芯写邪 蟹邪薪懈屑邪械褌褋褟 锌褉芯懈蟹胁芯写褋褌胁芯屑 懈 锌褉芯写邪卸械泄 锌懈谢芯屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢芯胁 锌芯 袪芯褋褋懈懈, 小袧袚, 邪 褌邪泻卸械 袗蟹懈懈 懈 袝胁褉芯锌械. 校 薪邪褋 褋芯斜褋褌胁械薪薪芯械 锌褉芯懈蟹胁芯写褋褌胁芯 胁 小懈斜懈褉褋泻芯屑 肖械写械褉邪谢褜薪芯屑 芯泻褉褍谐械, 胁 谐. 袥械褋芯褋懈斜懈褉褋泻. 袦褘 褝泻褋锌芯褉褌懈褉褍械屑 褋褘褉褜械 胁 斜芯谢械械 褔械屑 10 褋褌褉邪薪 屑懈褉邪.

袧邪褋 胁褘斜懈褉邪褞褌, 锌芯褌芯屑褍 褔褌芯:

鈥?袦褘 锌芯褔褌懈 20 谢械褌 胁 谢械褋薪芯泄 锌褉芯屑褘褕谢械薪薪芯褋褌懈, 蟹薪邪褔懈褌 薪邪屑 写芯胁械褉褟褞褌 懈 褑械薪褟褌 薪邪褕 锌褉芯写褍泻褌
鈥?小芯斜褋褌胁械薪薪芯械 锌褉芯懈蟹胁芯写褋褌胁芯 锌芯蟹胁芯谢褟械褌 写械褉卸邪褌褜 胁蟹邪懈屑芯胁褘谐芯写薪褘械 褑械薪褘 薪邪 胁械褋褜 邪褋褋芯褉褌懈屑械薪褌 锌懈谢芯屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢芯胁
鈥?袦褘 懈褋锌芯谢褜蟹褍械屑 褌芯谢褜泻芯 泻邪褔械褋褌胁械薪薪褘泄 袗薪谐邪褉褋泻懈泄 谢械褋
鈥?孝芯谢褜泻芯 薪芯胁械泄褕械械 芯斜芯褉褍写芯胁邪薪懈械 (Weinig, 袦薪芯谐芯锌懈谢, 袩懈谢芯褉邪屑邪 袪-63袘)
鈥?小芯斜褋褌胁械薪薪褘械 褋褍褕懈谢褜薪褘械 泻邪屑械褉褘 锌芯蟹胁芯谢褟褞褌 写邪褌褜 薪械芯斜褏芯写懈屑褍褞 胁谢邪卸薪芯褋褌褜
鈥?小芯斜褋褌胁械薪薪褘泄 褋泻谢邪写 4000 泻胁.屑.
鈥?小芯斜褋褌胁械薪薪褘泄 袞/写 褌褍锌懈泻, 屑芯褋褌芯胁芯泄 泻褉邪薪 30 褌芯薪薪.

袪邪写褘 袙邪屑 褋芯芯斜褖懈褌褜 芯 褉邪褋褕懈褉械薪懈懈 薪邪褕懈褏 锌褉芯懈蟹胁芯写褋褌胁械薪薪褘褏 屑芯褖薪芯褋褌械泄, 褋泻谢邪写褋泻懈褏 锌芯屑械褖械薪懈泄 懈 锌芯褝褌芯屑褍, 胁 泻邪褔械褋褌胁械 薪邪褔邪谢邪 薪邪褕械谐芯 褋芯褌褉褍写薪懈褔械褋褌胁邪 锌褉械写谢邪谐邪械屑 蟹邪泻邪蟹邪褌褜 锌褉芯斜薪褍褞 锌邪褉褌懈褞

25 泻褍斜芯胁 锌芯 褋锌械褑锌褉械写谢芯卸械薪懈褞 褋芯 褋泻懈写泻芯泄 鈥?10%! 小锌械褑懈邪谢褜薪芯械 锌褉械写谢芯卸械薪懈械 写械泄褋褌胁褍械褌 褌芯谢褜泻芯 写芯 31 邪胁谐褍褋褌邪!

袦褘 锌芯褋褌邪胁懈屑 袙邪屑 锌懈谢芯屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘 芯锌褌芯屑 卸/写 褌褉邪薪褋锌芯褉褌芯屑, 褎褍褉邪屑懈 懈谢懈 谢褞斜褘屑 写褉褍谐懈屑 胁懈写芯屑 褌褉邪薪褋锌芯褉褌邪 蟹邪 7 写械薪褜 锌芯 胁褋械泄 袪芯褋褋懈懈 斜械蟹 锌芯褋褉械写薪懈泻芯胁 懈 薪邪褑械薪芯泻.

袦褘 褉械邪谢懈蟹褍械屑 褋谢械写褍褞褖械械 褋褘褉褜械:

鈥?袨斜褉械蟹薪邪褟/薪械芯斜褉械蟹薪邪褟 写芯褋泻邪 谢懈褋褌胁械薪薪懈褑褘.
E褋褌械褋褌胁械薪薪芯泄 懈 褌褉邪薪褋锌芯褉褌薪芯泄 胁谢邪卸薪芯褋褌懈. 小芯褉褌 0-4 袚袨小孝 26002-83

鈥?袨斜褉械蟹薪邪褟/薪械芯斜褉械蟹薪邪褟 写芯褋泻邪 褋芯褋薪褘.
袝褋褌械褋褌胁械薪薪芯泄 懈 褌褉邪薪褋锌芯褉褌薪芯泄 胁谢邪卸薪芯褋褌懈. 小芯褉褌 0-4 袚袨小孝 26002-83

鈥?袙邪谐芯薪泻邪 楔褌懈谢褜 袥懈褋褌胁械薪薪懈褑褘
小芯褉褌 0, A, B, C

鈥?袘褉褍褋芯泻 谢懈褋褌胁械薪薪懈褑褘
小芯褉褌 0-1

鈥?袛芯褋泻邪 谢懈褋褌胁械薪薪懈褑褘 褉邪写懈邪谢褜薪芯谐芯 褉邪褋锌懈谢邪
小芯褉褌 协泻褋褌褉邪, A, B, C

鈥?袘褉褍褋 谢懈褋褌胁械薪薪懈褑邪
小芯褉褌 0-4

袨褋薪芯胁芯锌芯谢邪谐邪褞褖懈屑 锌褉懈薪褑懈锌芯屑 薪邪褕械泄 褉邪斜芯褌褘, 褟胁谢褟械褌褋褟 懈薪写懈胁懈写褍邪谢褜薪褘泄 锌芯写褏芯写 泻 蟹邪泻邪蟹褔懈泻褍! 袠屑械薪薪芯 锌芯褝褌芯屑褍, 屑褘 谐芯褌芯胁褘 袙邪屑 褌邪泻卸械 锌褉械写谢芯卸懈褌褜:

鈥? 袨斜褉械蟹薪邪褟 褋褌褉芯谐邪薪邪褟 写芯褋泻邪 褋芯褋薪褘 锌芯 孝校 蟹邪泻邪蟹褔懈泻邪

袣邪泻 褋褌褉芯懈褌褋褟 褋芯褌褉褍写薪懈褔械褋褌胁芯

袦褘 褋芯谐谢邪褋芯胁褘胁邪械屑 褋 袙邪屑懈 锌芯褋褌邪胁泻褍 泻邪卸写芯泄 锌邪褉褌懈懈 薪邪 胁蟹邪懈屑芯胁褘谐芯写薪褘褏 褍褋谢芯胁懈褟褏. 袩芯褋谢械 蟹邪泻谢褞褔械薪懈褟 写芯谐芯胁芯褉邪, 屑褘 胁 褌芯褌 卸械 写械薪褜 褎芯褉屑懈褉褍械屑 袙邪褕 蟹邪泻邪蟹 懈 芯褌锌褉邪胁谢褟械屑 褍写芯斜薪褘屑 写谢褟 袙邪褋 褌褉邪薪褋锌芯褉褌芯屑 锌芯 胁褋械泄 袪芯褋褋懈懈, 小袧袚 懈 屑懈褉褍.

袩袨袟袙袨袧袠孝袝 袧袗袦: +7 (391) 285 27 57 (锌芯 袙褋械泄 袪芯褋褋懈懈, 小袧袚 懈 屑懈褉褍).
袨褌锌褉邪胁褜褌械 蟹邪褟胁泻褍 薪邪 褉邪褋褔械褌 锌邪褉褌懈懈 薪邪 e-mail:

Company Name:

GlobalProTech Ltd.

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校谢.孝械谢械胁懈蟹芯褉薪邪褟 1, 褋褌褉.73




Country or Areas: Russia
Post Code: 660028
Established: 1996
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