Brisk demand for round sawn timber.
Austria's economic output shrank again in 2024. Industry and the
construction sector remain in recession. Weak private
consumption is also dampening the economy. Business sentiment is
pessimistic, partly due to the cautious forecasts for the coming
year. The effects of the necessary budget consolidation are not
yet foreseeable.
Round sawn timber
Despite the gloomy economic outlook and sluggish sales of sawn
timber, demand for round sawn timber is brisk. The locations are
fully able to absorb the current supply. Assortments that have
been made available are being transported away quickly;
restrictions are only expected with weather-related thaws. With
the exception of Burgenland, prices have increased and are
between EUR 95 - 115 excluding VAT for spruce A/C 2b+ throughout
Austria. Following the trend for spruce, prices for pine have
also risen regionally. The demand for larch can still hardly be
met. In some places, prices have also been increased here.
Oak and ash are still the most sought-after species on the
hardwood sawlog market. This is also reflected in the supply at
the timber submission in Upper Austria. Oak accounts for 64% of
the quantity on offer and ash for 22%. The remaining 14% is
spread across 17 tree species. The sawn timber market for copper
beech has come under very strong pressure. Demand for good
qualities is very weak. Although volumes on the emerging market
are satisfactory, prices have fallen by around 20% over the past
two years.
Industrial timber
The industrial timber market remains balanced. The locations of
the paper, pulp and board industry are able to absorb the
demand. Quantities provided are being transported and accepted
quickly. Prices are still largely stable, but are coming under
pressure regionally. A similar picture is emerging for copper
beech fibre wood.
Energy wood
On the energy wood market, buyers are generally very well
stocked. The rather mild winter so far has further dampened
demand. It is correspondingly difficult to sell additional
quantities. Prices are still stable. Demand for high-quality
firewood is falling sharply, with supply exceeding demand.
PEFC-certified forest owners must ensure that contracted timber
harvesting service providers also comply with the PEFC
requirements. If you choose a ZÖFU-certified service provider,
this obligation does not apply.
All prices quoted refer to business transactions in the period
December 2024 - beginning of January 2025 and are net prices to
which VAT must be added. The following tax rates apply to timber
sales to entrepreneurs: 13% for all product ranges in the case
of flat-rate VAT, 13% for energy wood/firewood and 20% for round
timber in the case of standard taxation.
Source: lko.at