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Pallet wood from Latvia
Here is your reliable supplier of pallets or pallet timber Do not hesitate to contact me for your needs Whatsapp: +37124429179&n... From: |
Beech lumber steamed KD 8-10%
We are a manufacturer of steamed KD beech lumber with years of experience in manufacturing and supplying Asian markets. We offer unedged steamed KD be... From: |
Wholesale larch timber
Sawmill with 29 years experience, looking for purchasing managers/lumber broker/ wholesale buyers of larch timber. Please reach out to us for mor... From: |
Birch plywood
Hello, We are representatives of a plywood mill in Georgia, we would like to offer their products. Birch plywood Available sizes: ... From: |
We sell KD UNEDGED SAWN TIMBER 1,2,3 grades with the following thicknesses: Oak - 26mm, 28mm , 32 mm, 38mm, 50mm Beech - 26mm, 32mm 38... From: |
Acacia Poles
Hungarian Company working with acacia wood. mostly with Acacia poles 80-100 m3/month, but we can offer other products from acacia based on our buyers... From: |
Pallet stock boards - Softwood, KD, 22x75/100x700-2400mm
Product: Edged boards; Species: Spruce, Pine, Fir; Moisture: Kiln dried to 20%; Thickness (mm): from 16 to 75; Width (mm): from 75... From: |
Sir, we are timber producers, processing amd marketing Company based in Germany and having timber plantation and Mills in, Germany, Russia and... From: |
Wholesale larch timber
Factory based in Romania with 29 years of experience in wood industry, we sell wholesale larch timber. We are looking for serious partners to sell out... From: |
Texpol sp z.o.o is one of Europes best producer and distributor of forestry products such as premium wood pellet, Mdf , Firewood, plywood, timber, lum... From: |
12 mm Marine Okoume plywood 300 m3 ready in Istanbul freezo
12 mm Marine Okoume plywood 300 m3 ready in Istanbul freezone Very competitive pricing..... From: |
African tropical lumber from Cameroon and Gabon
Dear all, We can supply AD or KD lumbers of the main African hardwoods from sawmills in Gabon and Cameroon: - Sipo - Sape... From: |
Wholesale larch timber
Sawmill with 29 years experience, looking for purchasing managers/lumber broker/ wholesale buyers of larch timber. Please reach out to us for mor... From: |
Oak planks
Hello, We are pleased to offer sale of mismatched oak planks with a thickness of 27mm, a length of 2.20m+ and a capacity of 300m3 per month... From: |
Birch Plywood all plies through Birch
Product: Birch natural plywood (all through Faces and Core Birch); Glue: MR, WBP; Grades: B/B, B/BB, BB/BB, BB/CP, CP/CP, CP/C, C/C; Th... From: |
Spruce (Whitewood), KD16%, AB grade, 22/44X100X3000mm
Russian Lumber Co. is offering: Product: Lumber (sawn timber); Species: Spruce (Whitewood); Origin: North-West Russia; Moist... From: |
Hardwood and softwood round logs ABC ash, oak, beech
Dear all, We are export agents of the main logging companies in Northern France (regions Picardie, Normandy, Grand Est,..) and in the areas... From: |
60 mm x 400 - 1200 mm 110 mm x 400 - 1000 mm 110 mm x 1100 - 2400 mm 145 mm x 400 - 1000 mm 145 mm x 1100 - 2400 mm We... From: |
beech timber, dry oak, round profiles, wooden sticks of va
We produce beech timber, dry oak, round profiles, wooden sticks of various diameters and lengths, continuous lamella panels of beech and oak, CNC carv... From: |