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U.S. lumber and panel market reports

 February 08, 2019

U.S.: Lumber and panel market report ---- Week 6 2019
Random Lengths Lumber Market Report

The trading pace in framing lumber eased from the previous week’s action, but early momentum carried prices higher. Digestion of previous orders was one factor. Uncertainties regarding 2019 demand, the extent of transportation issues, and limitations from winter weather also contributed to renewed hints of caution. The weight of these issues factored into the about-face in an upward futures trend. Even so, early week gains pushed the Random Lengths Framing Lumber Composite Price up $16, to $370. 



  This Week
Feb 8
Last Week
Feb 1
Year Ago
Random Lengths Framing Lumber Composite Price* $370 $354 $492
KD Western S-P-F #2&Btr 2x4 R/L Mill Price 417 398 516
KD Eastern S-P-F #1&2 2x4 R/L, delivered Great Lakes 465 432 601
Green Douglas Fir Std&Btr 2x4 R/L (Portland) 300 280 580
Southern Pine (Westside) #2 2x4 R/L 405 389 541
KD Coast Hem-Fir #2&Btr 2x4 R/L 395 378 545
Ponderosa Pine (Inland) #2&Btr 1x12 R/L 810 805 735
* Weighted average of 15 key items




Random Lengths Panel Market Report

Structural panel sales slowed from the previous week, but prices remained on a firm footing. Wintry weather limited OSB sales in some markets, but prices maintained a firm-to-higher track. In the South, sales lagged last week’s pace, but sparse mill offerings kept prices on a gradual climb. Southern Pine plywood trading settled into a more measured pace compared to recent weeks, but was steady enough to sustain modest price gains. Western Fir plywood trading slowed. Buyers waited for orders or digested recent arrivals.



(f.o.b. mill prices) This Week
Feb 8
Last Week
Feb 1
Year Ago
Random Lengths Structural Panel Composite Price* $375 $372 $512
Southern (west-east) 15/32-inch 3-ply rated sheathing plywood 375-405 370-405 510-555
Southern (west-east) 15/32-inch 4-ply rated sheathing plywood 380-415 375-415 515-560
Western 1/2-inch 4-ply rated sheathing plywood 378 375 540
North Central 7/16-inch Oriented Strand Board 215 213 375
*Weighted average of 11 key items




(Source: Used with permission granted by Random Lenghts Publications, Inc.)  


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